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For companies

Coaching Nürnberg Management and employee coaching

Stress management, employee leadership and -retention, further development, motivation - there are many reasons to support your employees with tailor-made coaching.

For example, to:

  • take account of the ever-increasing absenteeism and its economic impact by providing your employees with targeted support where they need it
  • prevent burnout among key performers
  • build a strong emotional bond and improve the working atmosphere, which counteracts the ever-increasing fluctuation
  • discover previously unrecognized potential and use it successfully for your company

As an experienced coach, I ensure that teams and even entire departments come closer together again. And that every single employee contributes to your company with full performance and maximum commitment.


When stress negatively affects your employees and thus your company performance

For some, stress upsets their stomach, for others it sits on their neck or weighs on their mind.

The health consequences - physical and/or mental - of constant stress are now widely known. This often leads to stress-related sickness absences and thus to economic consequences for companies.

Employee absenteeism has steadily increased in recent years. In the area of ​​mental illness, the increase has even been significant, as can be seen from the Psychreport from DAK Gesundheit.

A scenario that can be prevented. Take on this challenge in your company and make a difference for your employees!

Business Coaching

If you support and encourage your employees individually

Your most valuable resource is your employees - and this is the case when everyone contributes one hundred percent of their individual skills to their work, can constantly develop further and has a strong emotional connection to the company.

Ensure satisfied, motivated and loyal employees in the long term and thus more progress and growth for your company.

Because as the study by the Gallup Institute shows, there is a direct connection between loyalty and a strong emotional connection to the company and the fluctuation rate. Just as there is a direct connection between the engagement of employees and their perception of stress and burnout.

Make exactly this difference for your employees. As an experienced coach at your side, I will support you in this - professionally and individually.

Coaching for your company - your investment

The range of coaching opportunities in a corporate environment is wide. While in one case only a single employee needs support, in another an entire department needs to be involved. Or cross-departmental project teams.

And sometimes topic-related workshops make sense when it comes to efficiency and knowledge building.

My effort varies accordingly - and so does the cost.

My suggestion:
Talk to me and arrange a non-binding and free preliminary meeting! I will then be happy to put together a tailor-made package for you.

Coaching tailored to your needs

Every situation is different. And every employee. And every team. That's why I offer you individual, tailor-made coaching tailored to the goals of your company and the needs of your employees/teams.

For more motivation, more enthusiasm, better teamwork and appreciative, modern, future-oriented employee management

Stress management

Better handling of stress and resilience development

Conflict management

Support with internal/external conflicts and communication advice

Potential development

Motivation, self-reflection, recognition and exploitation of potential

Crisis coaching

Support in solving difficult, overwhelming situations and tasks

Career coaching

Help with further development and career planning

Improving the working atmosphere

Appreciate and support employees as an important resource

Have I inspired you? Would you like to know more about what I offer?

Then contact me directly to arrange an appointment for a non-binding introductory meeting or book the appointment online now!