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Business Coaching

Do you sometimes have the feeling that there is more to your employees than they show? That is very possible! As a business coach and former manager, I know exactly how to uncover and leverage this potential. Benefit from my experience!

For Managers

Only a few people are born as managers, most of them have to grow into this role. You can provide them with significant support in this process.

Employees who have been promoted due to their specialist expertise often find it difficult to adjust to their new position. There are also established managers who see their position as a given or who are stuck in a rut when it comes to managing or developing employees. And managers whose management style is not in line with that of their company.

However, because they have exactly what you need for your business success, my advice is: develop your managers individually, strategically and in a goal-oriented manner!

See for yourself: the investment in time and budget is worth it! Because they do exist, the teams that talk about the "best boss in the world" and are highly motivated and committed to delivering top performance for him and their company.

The advantages of executive coaching in a nutshell:

  • Further development of leadership skills

  • Improving resource management

  • Potential development

  • Optimization of social skills

  • More self-confidence and more self-assurance in everyday leadership

  • Professional, solution-oriented handling of conflicts within the team

For employees

Your employees are your most valuable resource - and they are most valuable when everyone can contribute their skills to their work to the full, build up new competencies and continue to develop.

This not only ensures satisfied, motivated and loyal employees in the long term, but also more success, progress and growth for your company.

Goal and resource-oriented business coaching is just as suitable for impatient young professionals as it is for long-standing employees who have lost the joy of their work or are even at risk of burnout, victims of bullying and those who are constantly in conflict with other employees.

The best reasons for employee coaching for your business success:

  • Leveraging undiscovered potential

  • Promotion of individual career planning

  • Reducing stress levels

  • Increasing personal performance

  • More motivation and creativity in everyday business life

For teams

Difficulties in the team, structural changes or a tense working atmosphere put a strain on work and can affect any employee - even good ones! After all, social skills and dealing with change, criticism and conflict are rarely taught in training or at university.

With coaching, you can provide your employees with various coping strategies - preventively or in an acute crisis. You can also get them to commit to a common goal and spur them on to top performance. Or successfully integrate employees who were previously working alone into a team.

Team coaching sessions always alternate between joint workshops and individual sessions. This allows me to ensure that every employee is picked up and successfully integrated into the team.

What you can achieve through team coaching:

  • Improvement of controversial processes and unclear distribution of tasks

  • Development of goal-oriented communication

  • Resolving conflicts within the team/between team and manager

  • Promoting creativity and the development of innovations

  • Appreciative integration of outsiders/new team members

  • More efficiency & success in everyday business

Business Coaching in your office

You decide where the coaching should take place. One-to-one sessions can take place at my office in Nuremberg or at your company headquarters. The same applies to workshops in small groups. If a larger team is to be coached, coaching can also take place at your company headquarters or at a suitable external location. I will be happy to help you make the right choice!

Set modern leadership impulses

Business coaching trial day

Successful entrepreneurs are successful because they act differently to their competitors. This also includes a management culture that seeks innovative ways of managing employees and offers them something new. That challenges and encourages them. That delegates responsibility and relies on trust.

Open up new possibilities!

Invite your employees to a trial coaching session. In your office. Individually. Personal. Confidential.

In this way, you can motivate even comfortable, resigned and shy employees to get to know the topic of coaching without any obligation.

And thus provide the perhaps missing impulse to focus on personal development.
At the same time, you present yourself as an innovative and empathetic employer.

For more clarity and balance in life and at work.

Mobile Business Coach

Regular in-house coaching days

Would you like to offer coaching to selected employees, but their busy schedule leaves little room for additional appointments outside the office?

Those who don't want to will find reasons, those who want to will find ways!

Book a complete coaching day! I would be happy to come to your company for a whole day to be there for you and your employees.

Workshops, interviews, presentation of results, and several meetings per week are no longer convincing arguments as to why coaching is not a good fit at the moment...

Offer your employees an unusual but efficient way to focus on their personal development despite all the stressful business appointments.

For your common goal: more success in business.

Are you inspired? Would you like to find out more about this offer?

Then contact me directly to arrange an appointment for a non-binding introductory meeting!

Get to know me now

Curious to find out more? Register now for a non-binding preliminary talk. It only takes 30 minutes, which - if you decide in favour of coaching - can change your whole life! And if you prefer to clarify initial questions by phone or e-mail, simply contact me.